Litle Hearts, Big Care Pediatric Cardiology Services

Pediatric Cardiology is a specialized branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of heart conditions in children, ranging from newborns to teenagers, it is a complex field that requires expertise, as well as advanced diagnostic tools and treatment options.

Pediatric Cardiologists are specially trained doctors who focus on the diagnosis and treatment of heart conditions in children, they work closely with families to develop personalized treatment plans that address the unique needs of each child.

Thank you for visiting our page on Pediatric Cardiology, we hope the information we will give you will be helpful in understanding the importance of this specialized field of medicine in the care of children’s heart health.

What is pediatric cardiology?

Pediatric Cardiology is a branch of medicine that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of heart conditions in children, from babies to teenagers, it is a specialized field that requires specialized training and expertise.

Pediatric Cardiology covers a wide range of heart conditions, from congenital heart defects that are present at birth to acquired heart problems that develop later in childhood, these conditions can affect a child’s heart function and may require ongoing care and management.

The goal of Pediatric Cardiology is to ensure that children with heart conditions receive the best possible care and management so that they can lead happy and healthy lives.

Congenital heart defects types

Here are some of the most common types of congenital heart defects:

  1. Atrial Septal Defect (ASD):

This is a hole in the wall between the two upper chambers of the heart, which can cause oxygen-rich blood to flow back into the lungs.

2.Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD):

This is a hole in the wall between the two lower chambers of the heart, which can cause oxygen-rich blood to flow back into the lungs.

3.Tetralogy of Fallot:

This is a combination of four heart defects that can cause low oxygen levels in the blood, including a hole in the heart and a narrowing of the pulmonary artery.

4.Transposition of the Great Arteries:

This is a condition where the two main blood vessels leaving the heart are switched, causing oxygen-poor blood to circulate throughout the body.

5.Pulmonary Atresia:

This is a condition where the pulmonary valve, which controls blood flow from the heart to the lungs, is missing or blocked, causing a lack of oxygen-rich blood in the body.

6.Coarctation of the Aorta:

This is a narrowing of the aorta, the main artery that carries blood from the heart to the rest of the body, which can lead to high blood pressure and poor circulation.

7.Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS):

This is a rare and serious condition where the left side of the heart is underdeveloped, which can cause low oxygen levels in the body.

These are just a few examples of the many types of congenital heart defects that can affect children, proper diagnosis and management of these conditions is critical for a child’s health and well-being.

Causes of Congenital heart defects

The exact causes of congenital heart defects are not always clear, but there are several factors that are believed to contribute to their development.

Here are some possible causes of congenital heart defects: Genetics:

Some congenital heart defects are caused by genetic mutations or inherited genetic conditions. For example, Down syndrome is associated with an increased risk of heart defects.

Rubella: is an infectious condition caused by a virus. It isn’t usually a serious infection for adults or children, but it can severely affect an unborn baby if a mother develops a rubella infection during the first 8 to 10 weeks of pregnancy.

Alcohol: If a pregnant woman drinks too much alcohol during pregnancy, it can have a poisonous effect on the tissue of the fetus. This is known

as fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.

Maternal Health:

Certain health conditions in the mother, such as diabetes or obesity, can increase the risk of congenital heart defects in the baby.


Some medications taken during pregnancy, such as certain anti-seizure medications, have been linked to an increased risk of congenital heart defects.

Unknown Factors:

In many cases, the cause of a congenital heart defect is unknown, it is believed that a combination of genetic and environmental factors may play a role.

It’s important to note that: in most cases, congenital heart defects cannot be prevented, however, early detection and proper management can improve outcomes and reduce the risk of complications.

Congenital heart defects symptoms

The symptoms of congenital heart defects can vary widely depending on the type and severity of the defect, so some defects may cause no symptoms at all, while others may cause symptoms that range from mild to severe.

Here are some common symptoms of congenital heart defects:

  • Rapid breathing or shortness of
  • Cyanosis (blue tint to the skin, lips, or nails).
  • Fatigue or weakness during feedings or
  • Poor weight gain or growth.
  • Sweating, especially during feedings or
  • Chest pain or discomfort.
  • Rapid or irregular
  • Dizziness or
  • Swelling in the hands, ankles or feet.

If your child is experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s important to seek the care of a qualified Pediatric Cardiologist for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

Pediatric Cardiac Catheterization Procedure

Pediatric Cardiac Catheterization is a diagnostic and therapeutic procedure used to evaluate and treat heart conditions in children.

It is a minimally invasive procedure that involves inserting a thin, flexible tube (catheter) into a blood vessel in the groin, arm, or neck and threading it up to the heart.

During the procedure, the child is given a sedative and local anesthesia to help them relax and minimize discomfort, once the catheter is in place, the Pediatric Cardiologist can perform a variety of diagnostic tests and treatments, including:

Angiography: Injecting a contrast dye into the catheter to visualize the blood vessels and chambers of the heart.

Hemodynamic Assessment: Measuring the pressure and blood flow in the heart and blood vessels.

Interventional Procedures: Using specialized tools, such as balloons or stents, to open or widen narrowed or blocked blood vessels, or close abnormal connections between blood vessels.

Biopsy: Taking a small sample of heart tissue for analysis.

Pediatric Cardiac Catheterization is generally a safe and effective procedure with a low risk of complications, however, as with any medical

procedure, there may be some risks involved, such as bleeding, infection, or allergic reactions to the contrast dye.

Overall, Pediatric Cardiac Catheterization can provide valuable information about the heart’s structure and function and may help guide treatment decisions.

Pediatric Cardiac Catheterization Benefits

Pediatric Cardiac Catheterization is a valuable diagnostic and therapeutic tool that offers several benefits for children with heart conditions.

Here are some of the benefits of Pediatric Cardiac Catheterization: Minimally Invasive:

Pediatric Cardiac Catheterization is a minimally invasive procedure that does not require open-heart surgery, this means that there is less pain, scarring, and risk of complications compared to traditional surgical Accurate Diagnosis:

Pediatric Cardiac Catheterization allows for accurate diagnosis of heart conditions by providing detailed information about the structure and function of the heart and blood vessels, this information can help guide treatment decisions and improve outcomes.

Therapeutic Intervention:

Pediatric Cardiac Catheterization can also be used for therapeutic intervention, such as opening or widening narrowed or blocked blood vessels, closing abnormal connections between blood vessels, or placing devices to repair heart defects.

Faster Recovery:

Because Pediatric Cardiac Catheterization is a minimally invasive procedure, children generally experience a faster recovery time compared to traditional open-heart surgery, most children are able to go home the same day or the following day after the procedure.

Improved Quality of Life:

By providing accurate diagnosis and treatment, Pediatric Cardiac Catheterization can help improve a child’s quality of life by managing symptoms, preventing complications, and improving heart function.

Overall, if your child has been diagnosed with a heart condition, talk to their Pediatric Cardiologist to see if Pediatric Cardiac Catheterization is an appropriate diagnostic or treatment option.

Thank you for taking the time to learn about Pediatric Cardiology Services and its benefits for children with heart conditions, if you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s Pediatric Cardiologist.

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Grants Submission

Please read carefully the below criteria to make sure that you are eligible for the GIS Valves 2024 Educational Grant

Please read carefully the below criteria to make sure that you are eligible for the GIS Valves 2024 Educational Grant

1- Subspecialty related to GIS Valves 2024

You can submit the Grant Request if you specialize in the following Subspecialties:

  • Cardiologists
  • Interventionists
  • Cardiovascular Surgeons
  • Chest Diseases Specialists
  • Cardiac Surgeons

2- Professional Approval

  • A recommendation letter must be signed, stamped and approved by the department head in the hospital/ university.
  • It should be directed to the Gulf Intervention Society “GIS”
  • Updated Resume “CV” is required

3- Attendance

To be eligible for reimbursement, 80% of the Program Hours must be attended.

4- Additional Requirements (Increase your opportunity by following these steps using the most active social media account(s))

  1. Follow our social media accounts (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn).
  2. Engage with our content by liking, sharing our posts, and tagging us using the official hashtag #GIS2024.
  3. Ensure that your post is public.

5- What Grant offers

  • Full Free Registration
  • Reimbursement of Maximum specified amount as per your destination, which covers accommodation for two (2) nights and economy flight tickets. (Reimbursement form to be sent after the approval of your submission


GIS Educational Grant submission deadline: 15 April 2024


For Any Inquires please contact PCO In Charge


Grants Submission

Please Read Carefully the Below Criteria to Make Sure that you are Eligible for the GIS Complications Cases Show 2024 Educational Grant


1. Subspecialty related to GIS Complications Cases Show 2024
You can submit the Grant Request if you specialize in the following specialties/subspecialties:
• Cardiology
• Interventional Cardiology
• Cardiovascular Surgery
• Chest Diseases

2. Professional Approval
Recommendation letter must be signed, stamped and approved by the department head in the hospital/ university/ institute

3. Attendance
80% of the Program Hours must be attended to be eligible to get the reimbursement

4. What Grant offers
• Full Free Registration
• Other covered elements to be determined based on the destination

5. Priority
• Submitting a case will be an added value for the grant selection.


GIS Educational Grant submission deadline: 1 February 2024

For Any Inquires please contact PCO In Charge


Cases Submission

  • All Cases should be presented in a PowerPoint and to be written in clear English
  • All presenting authors should have proficiency in English, to be able to present and respond to questions.
  • Cases must be submitted via the online Cases submission site.
  • You must receive the approval of all co-authors before putting their names on the Presentation.
  • All Cases must be submitted to an appropriate category for review based on the scientific content of the Case.
  • Titles:
    • Case titles are limited to 10 words or less.
    • The title should be dynamic and conclusive, rather than descriptive.
    • In general, you should capitalize the first letter of each word unless it is a preposition or article.
    • Titles should not be bold.
  • Authors: One person must be identified as the presenting author. The order of the authors can be modified at any time prior to the case deadline.
  • Content of the case: The case should contain a brief statement of (but not as subheadings):

    Patients Name must be hide from the Presentation

Important dates

  • Submission deadline: 10, Feb 2024
  • Submissions received after this deadline will not be considered. Presenters are not permitted to modify their cases after this date for reviewing purposes.
  • Notification of cases acceptance: 15, Feb, 2024

Presenter agreement

All presenters must agree to the following conditions when submitting a Case:

  • Affirm that the work has not been published (in print or electronically) elsewhere prior to the meeting.
  • Agree that if the case is accepted, GIS has permission to publish the case in printed and/or electronic formats.

Presenter changes and withdrawal policy

If you are unable to attend the meeting and wish to name a substitute presenter, please use the following guidelines:

  • The Presenting Author is the only author that may request a presenter change.
  • Substitute presenter must NOT be presenting another case at the meeting.
  • Substitution requests must be made PRIOR to the meeting.
  • Substitution requests should be sent by the presenting author to the below email:
  • Withdrawal policy: If authors wish to withdraw their case/s, they are requested to send a letter via e-mail to the above-mentioned email

Financial assistance

  • Limited financial assistance is available for this conference in the form of Virtual / In Person Assistance
  • Availability will be indicated during the Cases submission process.

Fawaz Almutairi

Saudi Arabia

Fawaz Portrait GIS president


President, Gulf Intervention
Society Interventional Cardiologists National Guard Hospital Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Abdullah Shehab

United Arab Emirates

shehab portrait vice president GIS


Vice President, Gulf Intervention Society

Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine

Chairman of Education, EMA

Editor Chief New Emirates Medical Journal

Khalid Bin Thani



Treasurer, Gulf Intervention Society

Head of Scientific Committee, GIS Conference

Consultant Interventional Cardiologist

Bahrain Specialist Hospital

Manama, Bahrain

Khalid Bin Thani GIS

Mousa Akbar



General Secretary, Gulf Intervention Society

Head of Cardiology Unit, Al Sabah Hospital

Kuwait City, Kuwait

mousa Akbar GIS